Wednesday, May 16, 2007
I think the formatting is easier at the new address, click this post title to link. Time is too precious to waste it. New posts will be located there. Thanks for your patience as we convert.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Under Construction
Please pardon our appearance...we made some major additions to the site worked for one day, then crashed. Our changes or previous format was not downloaded and could not be recovered, so we're back to square one;reconstruction. Thanks for your patience.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Attention GOP and Media! We've had enough!
Calling all Patriots and lovers of Liberty;
Listening to the news all day, usually every day, I'm constantly infuriated by the never ending “spin” on information we're fed.
During the Republican debates I used MSNBC's website to vote on questions to ask, participated in their "Interactive: Rate the Candidates" and checked out the rating for all before and after the debate. Congressman Ron Paul’s rating is the highest of all after the debate. He did a great job! Out of all the candidates participating, his history and record for truly being a consistent “Constitution Man”, voting all the issues according to our Constitution; for the common good for our country and its people, his record clearly speaks for itself.
I found Congressman Ron Paul last summer during some other research and started watching his activities then. I had just about given up hope of finding a truly scrupled person in our political body that actually “walks their talk” rather than the usual lip service paid to our Constitution. They swear an oath to uphold and protect it, yet they vote and write more laws to circumvent it. It seems like the majority think a Constitutional solution to running our government and our country is impractical and anyone who believes practicing it’s premise provides our answers is naïve in today’s complex world. I guess that would that make our founders idiots, their blood and fortunes spent to form it and the 200 + years we actually thrived as a free and prosperous nation all lost in vain. Who are they kidding? Do they think we are complete fools? Our resources today are undoubtedly more sophisticated than the 1700’s, but don’t let them fool you, that should only enable us to more easily govern by our tried and true founding principles. There are NO holes in our Constitution and Bill of Rights!
I knew if Ron Paul would run for President and win, “We the People” would win our country back and he would take US in the right direction for the first time in many decades.
In these perilous times of high crimes and corruption in our government body I’ve researched and checked out every actual and potential presidential contender while watching them all closely to see whose interests they are representing and their intent for our country. Not one other candidate can claim the unwavering dedication to our founding principles that Congressman Paul consistently demonstrates. I’ve watched video’s as he addressed congress on various critical issues and was impressed not only with his no nonsense style, but his great knowledge, understanding and foresight on each issue. Congressman Paul is well equipped and very qualified to lead this country in the direction it needs to go.
Checking out MSNBC’s "Picking the President" section only 7 of the 10 contenders were listed. In other words, stupid American robot dummies, we (media) will allow you to pick a president from the list we provide you…we’ll get you ready for the elimination early, we’ll appease you with an unbiased facade by allowing them in the early debates, but don’t expect truly fair representation because we control who will and will not be allowed to run…feel familiar??? Checking every poll I can find for the top runners completely disputes the daily mantra about the "top 3". Congressman Ron Paul is the favorite in every one of them, but do you hear that from our media? I've had enough!
I'm tired of this tyrannical overthrow of FREE America, the country that I love. I'm tired of only being given choices between "evil and lesser evil" presidential candidates who leave us with treasonous, corrupt, self-serving dictators like King George and all the others like him, who continually strip our freedoms, trample all over our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and sail what few precious liberties we have left down a wicked river of no return under the guise of "security and prosperity". And I'm tired of media's cooperation with this sinister and egregious system that stifles the will of the people by both limiting and twisting information.
WE THE PEOPLE have choices! But we will only be able to exercise our rights if we stand up and reclaim them!
The 2008 presidential election is every bit as important as our separation from Britain to become a free nation!
With Florida and South Carolina pushing up their primary elections, our choices for "liberty" vs media, corporate & elitists "top" darlings, can be more easily pushed out.
If you don't want to lose every shred of what little freedom and liberty we still possess today you better all decide to take a stand against these atrocities.
Media was designed to serve and inform the public. DEMAND they do their job and quit squeezing your options out!
I've written the following email to the media and the GOP.
You can either copy, sign your name and email it to media; (if you need addresses you can email me and I’ll provide them), or write your own, but get those emails out to PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS and save the quickly fading light of hope for this nation and our future.
I close with the following quotes from our founders, recorded in our history to remind, inspire, and empower us for times such as these:
"If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams
"The American's Creed:
I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people, whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a Republic; a sovereign Nation and many sovereign States; a perfect Union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its Flag, and to defend it against all enemies." - William Tyler Page
"Fear can only prevail when victims are ignorant of the facts ". - Thomas Jefferson
Attention GOP and reporters,
You better wake up and realize the contenders you’re pushing as the top 3 for the primary are just about as popular and appealing to the majority as the Mel Martinez appointment to Chair the National Committee. I, along with many registered Republican’s, am keeping my registration with the Republican party for the sole purpose of voting for Ron Paul in the primary. Many democrats have decided to change their registrations to republican for the same reason.
Despite Congressman Paul’s popularity with citizens at large, garnered mostly through the internet, you continue pushing YOUR favorites in order to push out these qualified viable alternatives. Republicans and Democrats alike are fed up. We want OUR government, o"f the people, by the people and for the people" back and YOUR favorites do NOT present us with that representation.
Do your jobs, both politicians and media are supposed to serve the people, not the money. These continual attempts to keep us ignorant and silent is brewing widespread contempt. You decide how you want to influence it.
Cecilia Poole
Listening to the news all day, usually every day, I'm constantly infuriated by the never ending “spin” on information we're fed.
During the Republican debates I used MSNBC's website to vote on questions to ask, participated in their "Interactive: Rate the Candidates" and checked out the rating for all before and after the debate. Congressman Ron Paul’s rating is the highest of all after the debate. He did a great job! Out of all the candidates participating, his history and record for truly being a consistent “Constitution Man”, voting all the issues according to our Constitution; for the common good for our country and its people, his record clearly speaks for itself.
I found Congressman Ron Paul last summer during some other research and started watching his activities then. I had just about given up hope of finding a truly scrupled person in our political body that actually “walks their talk” rather than the usual lip service paid to our Constitution. They swear an oath to uphold and protect it, yet they vote and write more laws to circumvent it. It seems like the majority think a Constitutional solution to running our government and our country is impractical and anyone who believes practicing it’s premise provides our answers is naïve in today’s complex world. I guess that would that make our founders idiots, their blood and fortunes spent to form it and the 200 + years we actually thrived as a free and prosperous nation all lost in vain. Who are they kidding? Do they think we are complete fools? Our resources today are undoubtedly more sophisticated than the 1700’s, but don’t let them fool you, that should only enable us to more easily govern by our tried and true founding principles. There are NO holes in our Constitution and Bill of Rights!
I knew if Ron Paul would run for President and win, “We the People” would win our country back and he would take US in the right direction for the first time in many decades.
In these perilous times of high crimes and corruption in our government body I’ve researched and checked out every actual and potential presidential contender while watching them all closely to see whose interests they are representing and their intent for our country. Not one other candidate can claim the unwavering dedication to our founding principles that Congressman Paul consistently demonstrates. I’ve watched video’s as he addressed congress on various critical issues and was impressed not only with his no nonsense style, but his great knowledge, understanding and foresight on each issue. Congressman Paul is well equipped and very qualified to lead this country in the direction it needs to go.
Checking out MSNBC’s "Picking the President" section only 7 of the 10 contenders were listed. In other words, stupid American robot dummies, we (media) will allow you to pick a president from the list we provide you…we’ll get you ready for the elimination early, we’ll appease you with an unbiased facade by allowing them in the early debates, but don’t expect truly fair representation because we control who will and will not be allowed to run…feel familiar??? Checking every poll I can find for the top runners completely disputes the daily mantra about the "top 3". Congressman Ron Paul is the favorite in every one of them, but do you hear that from our media? I've had enough!
I'm tired of this tyrannical overthrow of FREE America, the country that I love. I'm tired of only being given choices between "evil and lesser evil" presidential candidates who leave us with treasonous, corrupt, self-serving dictators like King George and all the others like him, who continually strip our freedoms, trample all over our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and sail what few precious liberties we have left down a wicked river of no return under the guise of "security and prosperity". And I'm tired of media's cooperation with this sinister and egregious system that stifles the will of the people by both limiting and twisting information.
WE THE PEOPLE have choices! But we will only be able to exercise our rights if we stand up and reclaim them!
The 2008 presidential election is every bit as important as our separation from Britain to become a free nation!
With Florida and South Carolina pushing up their primary elections, our choices for "liberty" vs media, corporate & elitists "top" darlings, can be more easily pushed out.
If you don't want to lose every shred of what little freedom and liberty we still possess today you better all decide to take a stand against these atrocities.
Media was designed to serve and inform the public. DEMAND they do their job and quit squeezing your options out!
I've written the following email to the media and the GOP.
You can either copy, sign your name and email it to media; (if you need addresses you can email me and I’ll provide them), or write your own, but get those emails out to PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS and save the quickly fading light of hope for this nation and our future.
I close with the following quotes from our founders, recorded in our history to remind, inspire, and empower us for times such as these:
"If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams
"The American's Creed:
I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people, whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a Republic; a sovereign Nation and many sovereign States; a perfect Union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its Flag, and to defend it against all enemies." - William Tyler Page
"Fear can only prevail when victims are ignorant of the facts ". - Thomas Jefferson
Attention GOP and reporters,
You better wake up and realize the contenders you’re pushing as the top 3 for the primary are just about as popular and appealing to the majority as the Mel Martinez appointment to Chair the National Committee. I, along with many registered Republican’s, am keeping my registration with the Republican party for the sole purpose of voting for Ron Paul in the primary. Many democrats have decided to change their registrations to republican for the same reason.
Despite Congressman Paul’s popularity with citizens at large, garnered mostly through the internet, you continue pushing YOUR favorites in order to push out these qualified viable alternatives. Republicans and Democrats alike are fed up. We want OUR government, o"f the people, by the people and for the people" back and YOUR favorites do NOT present us with that representation.
Do your jobs, both politicians and media are supposed to serve the people, not the money. These continual attempts to keep us ignorant and silent is brewing widespread contempt. You decide how you want to influence it.
Cecilia Poole
Friday, April 20, 2007
America's New Wild Frontier, Part 1
Monday’s tragedy at VA Tech has left many of us numb. Unless we were among the unfortunate who were directly affected by these senseless crimes against human kind, these onslaughts of violence have long sense lost their shock value and are being replaced with complacent bewilderment. It seems long ago that a regular and steady seemingly out of control rampage of violence and once inconceivable assaults began plaguing America and its people. We’re no longer afforded an opportunity to recover and heal before the next blow strikes. And we have long since been rendered stupefied, merely reacting like Pavlov’s dog to conditions around us. What is happening in our country? And what is happening to the people of our country to cause these horrific changes in our society?
To explore some very mind provocative thoughts about these questions read this article. Don’t allow the title put you off, the full context of the article describes a larger picture, perhaps a larger agenda.
Could there truly be some imperceptible influence directing American's thought processes, therefore our actions? Read the links within with an open mind, then you decide.
One morning not so long ago I was in the middle of my then usual daily routine. A small delight was having coffee, organizing my thoughts and notes, preparing for the day while sitting in my once favorite spot in my makeshift office on the back porch. Yes, I said porch, there are other perhaps more glamorous words I could use to name it, but I’m feeling a need to get back to my roots, when times were simpler and there was less confusion, violence and upheaval in our country.
I’ve always lived in rural America and this home was no exception, at least when we bought it and moved there. On this morning, as I tried to proceed with my work, I kept losing my concentration and could no longer focus on the task at hand. Something was nagging at my subconscious, telling me something wasn’t well in my world.
Two years and a half prior we joyfully selected this new home where we planned to live happily the rest of our lives. There were 6 houses, including ours, for as far as you could see in the flat lands of Florida that surrounded us. Shortly after we bought our new home a new expansion endeavor was decided. Trying to make the best of it we convinced ourselves the worst would be the gradual overcrowding on the roads and in stores, but our home would be our haven. There was so much vacant land around us we thought it would all be gradual. I had experienced what I thought was a massive expansion in my previous neighborhood and had lived there peacefully for 10 years before the ‘sprawl’ became unbearable, perhaps we would be ready for a condo by that time. Little did we know, borrowing lyrics and title from Randy Bachman, “Baby, You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet” turned out to be the most accurate description of what was ahead. We were not even slightly prepared for the lifestyle, moods and attitude overhaul that we would experience, shattering our hopes, plans and desires to live and eventually retire in this new ‘country’ home and extinguishing our serenity.
For about 6 months, despite hurricanes, we enjoyed the sun, fun and our new home, then it started. Urban sprawl and every deviant thing that comes from rapid growth. The construction began, eighteen wheelers, gravel & cement trucks began barreling down our tiny residentially zoned, 35 mile per hour street, usually at least twice that rate of speed, delivering materials. Work crews furiously pounded often 7 days a week and into the wee morning hours as the massive number of houses were erected all around us. As fast & furious as the development progressed it could barely keep up with demand as new home owners and renters quickly filled the houses as soon as the sod was laid. An absolute housing market frenzy engulfed the area and rapidly rising real estate prices seemed to merely spur it on. Poor planning and undoubtedly lust and greed for the almighty dollar from quick expansion transformed our tiny residential road into the only gateway to literally thousands of new homes and dozens of new ‘communities’.
Our back ‘porch’ and pool which had previously been the homes greater appeal and pleasure point faced the now major thoroughfare. Our house sat on an oversized corner lot situated at the very mouth of it and the distance of a rare empty lot between did nothing to shield our exposure to the onslaught of high speed traffic and noise. Of course there was the ever growing parade of rescue squads, fire trucks and policeman with sirens blaring as they scurried to one emergency after another.
New neighbors brought constant distractions with loud music, barking dogs, screaming children, and the inevitable Wednesday night through early hours Monday morning parties and all during the week we could hear domestic disputes. Soon moms strolling their babies, couples who previously enjoyed a quiet walk and bicyclers were replaced with individuals in cars yelling obscenities at pedestrians, dangerous high speed traffic threatened children’s safety at school bus stops, and domestic violence spilled out of homes into the street.
The worst examples we observed in astonishment of this growing mayhem was a man who pulled to the side of the road, directly beside our home’s lanai (porch) and pool area. Literally in our face, while we were sitting there looking on, he got out of the car, pulled his mate out and proceed to pulverized her body and face, right in front of us. He was completely void of care or regard to even consequences he might face from witnesses!
One day a 3 year old child wandered to our door. He didn’t know where his mother was and didn’t know where he lived, fortunately he knew his first and last name. Reporting to the police several squad cars drove in a few houses away then very shortly an SUV came tearing into the same drive. Rather puzzled why the police hadn’t responded to our call we watched the policemen and the 3 or 4 young females from the SUV appear to converse, then one girl who looked barely old enough to be considered adult came running to our house. She excitedly and somewhat apologetically exclaimed she and her daughters, who could have passed rather for sisters, had planned a day out shopping and forgot her son was there!
But the very worst was still to come after violent gangs moved in along with the new neighbors. Shortly after a month long vacation, feeling refreshed with renewed fortitude from a new idea to step up the condo plan to no longer than 3 years out. I was ready to settle back into routine and get back to work. School had resumed and the usual bus stop crowd had drastically changed. The neighborhood natives with young children were now driving their children to and from the bus stop rather than allowing them to ride their bikes and a much older crowd now walked from the bus stop shouting obscenities, throwing litter, taunting everyone in sight and glaring at me as I observed their lewd behaviors.
Development had filled the vast spaces and construction was moving in closer on small lots between houses on the already overcrowded streets. Fires burning across the neighborhood had become common place as construction crews cleared brush and my beloved eagles nests to make room for still more houses. For 2 weeks after school resumed the fires seemed more prevalent. One day there was an especially unusual stench from a fire that ran me and even the cats out of my make shift office into the house. A couple days later over coffee on Sunday morning we watched another drama unfold as a helicopter circled our house for an unusually long period of time. We had also long grown used to planes and helicopters flying both day and night over and around our home spraying for mosquitoes and God knows what else. But this one not only lingered longer, but was also accompanied by man standing on a dirt knoll recently made by a construction crew and he seemed to be visually surveying as far and wide as he possibly could and signaling to the helicopter. This was suspect, but calling the police they assured us it was some new routine that shouldn’t be considered out of the ordinary. Although within the hour police and news crews joined the action and a while later crime scene tape was strung behind our neighbors house and around the construction site that had a pathway to what had obviously become a local hangout where we would often see auto’s, bikes, motorcycles and foot traffic trek then hear evidence of parties going on. About a week later we learned a local teen gang had a party, ended in a violent fight where two young boys 16 & 17 years old were murdered, then their bodies brought to this party spot in their car and torched.
Road blocks were frequently routine and once were accompanied by a swat team when we later learned one of the new residents was holding people hostage and threatening to kill…good grief, I don’t even remember who, which brings me back to my point.
On this particular morning as I tried to focus I was not consciously in a especially reflective or pensive mood, yet each time I tried to resume my work this nagging, niggling ‘something’ in the back of my mind prevented any hope of accomplishments until it was acknowledged and dealt with. Suddenly, my heart skipped a beat and I became deeply saddened as I realized what was causing this ‘malfunction’. Over the 2 years since the ‘change’ had begun in my neighborhood I had gradually become immune, at least to the noise. On that very morning during my prep time an ambulance, fire truck and police squad cars had ripped by my house with sirens blaring, and I believe for the first time, my conscious (?) mind barely noticed them. About 2 hours later my subconscious mind was rendering a new kind of riot act, making me entirely conscious that in my life this was completely unacceptable behavior.
Although city dwellers likely will not relate as readily to this analogy, perhaps all of us can look at our lives and think of circumstances and events that we have, or are becoming, conditioned by and immune to. Think of the growing and seemingly out of control rampage of assaults on the people of America and how you’ve personally come to react to them.
Again I ask you, What is happening in our country? What is happening to the people of our country? To explore some very mind provocative thoughts about these questions read this article. Please don’t let the title put you off, it’s important to read the article in its entirety to understand the full context of the larger picture and how it relates.
And could there truly be some imperceptible influence directing American's thought processes, therefore our actions?
If you’re not familiar with this concept you may find it very interesting and enlightening when you consider all that is going on in our country today and most conspicuously over the last 10 years. If you’re already familiar with it, a refresher may bring new points to light.
Stay tuned and check our blog regularly over the next few weeks as we continue to explore further articles about actions and reactions in American society today.
Until then, stay strong, protect your rights and freedoms. Remember to think for yourself and pay close attention to what is affecting your thoughts and actions!
To explore some very mind provocative thoughts about these questions read this article. Don’t allow the title put you off, the full context of the article describes a larger picture, perhaps a larger agenda.
Could there truly be some imperceptible influence directing American's thought processes, therefore our actions? Read the links within with an open mind, then you decide.
One morning not so long ago I was in the middle of my then usual daily routine. A small delight was having coffee, organizing my thoughts and notes, preparing for the day while sitting in my once favorite spot in my makeshift office on the back porch. Yes, I said porch, there are other perhaps more glamorous words I could use to name it, but I’m feeling a need to get back to my roots, when times were simpler and there was less confusion, violence and upheaval in our country.
I’ve always lived in rural America and this home was no exception, at least when we bought it and moved there. On this morning, as I tried to proceed with my work, I kept losing my concentration and could no longer focus on the task at hand. Something was nagging at my subconscious, telling me something wasn’t well in my world.
Two years and a half prior we joyfully selected this new home where we planned to live happily the rest of our lives. There were 6 houses, including ours, for as far as you could see in the flat lands of Florida that surrounded us. Shortly after we bought our new home a new expansion endeavor was decided. Trying to make the best of it we convinced ourselves the worst would be the gradual overcrowding on the roads and in stores, but our home would be our haven. There was so much vacant land around us we thought it would all be gradual. I had experienced what I thought was a massive expansion in my previous neighborhood and had lived there peacefully for 10 years before the ‘sprawl’ became unbearable, perhaps we would be ready for a condo by that time. Little did we know, borrowing lyrics and title from Randy Bachman, “Baby, You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet” turned out to be the most accurate description of what was ahead. We were not even slightly prepared for the lifestyle, moods and attitude overhaul that we would experience, shattering our hopes, plans and desires to live and eventually retire in this new ‘country’ home and extinguishing our serenity.
For about 6 months, despite hurricanes, we enjoyed the sun, fun and our new home, then it started. Urban sprawl and every deviant thing that comes from rapid growth. The construction began, eighteen wheelers, gravel & cement trucks began barreling down our tiny residentially zoned, 35 mile per hour street, usually at least twice that rate of speed, delivering materials. Work crews furiously pounded often 7 days a week and into the wee morning hours as the massive number of houses were erected all around us. As fast & furious as the development progressed it could barely keep up with demand as new home owners and renters quickly filled the houses as soon as the sod was laid. An absolute housing market frenzy engulfed the area and rapidly rising real estate prices seemed to merely spur it on. Poor planning and undoubtedly lust and greed for the almighty dollar from quick expansion transformed our tiny residential road into the only gateway to literally thousands of new homes and dozens of new ‘communities’.
Our back ‘porch’ and pool which had previously been the homes greater appeal and pleasure point faced the now major thoroughfare. Our house sat on an oversized corner lot situated at the very mouth of it and the distance of a rare empty lot between did nothing to shield our exposure to the onslaught of high speed traffic and noise. Of course there was the ever growing parade of rescue squads, fire trucks and policeman with sirens blaring as they scurried to one emergency after another.
New neighbors brought constant distractions with loud music, barking dogs, screaming children, and the inevitable Wednesday night through early hours Monday morning parties and all during the week we could hear domestic disputes. Soon moms strolling their babies, couples who previously enjoyed a quiet walk and bicyclers were replaced with individuals in cars yelling obscenities at pedestrians, dangerous high speed traffic threatened children’s safety at school bus stops, and domestic violence spilled out of homes into the street.
The worst examples we observed in astonishment of this growing mayhem was a man who pulled to the side of the road, directly beside our home’s lanai (porch) and pool area. Literally in our face, while we were sitting there looking on, he got out of the car, pulled his mate out and proceed to pulverized her body and face, right in front of us. He was completely void of care or regard to even consequences he might face from witnesses!
One day a 3 year old child wandered to our door. He didn’t know where his mother was and didn’t know where he lived, fortunately he knew his first and last name. Reporting to the police several squad cars drove in a few houses away then very shortly an SUV came tearing into the same drive. Rather puzzled why the police hadn’t responded to our call we watched the policemen and the 3 or 4 young females from the SUV appear to converse, then one girl who looked barely old enough to be considered adult came running to our house. She excitedly and somewhat apologetically exclaimed she and her daughters, who could have passed rather for sisters, had planned a day out shopping and forgot her son was there!
But the very worst was still to come after violent gangs moved in along with the new neighbors. Shortly after a month long vacation, feeling refreshed with renewed fortitude from a new idea to step up the condo plan to no longer than 3 years out. I was ready to settle back into routine and get back to work. School had resumed and the usual bus stop crowd had drastically changed. The neighborhood natives with young children were now driving their children to and from the bus stop rather than allowing them to ride their bikes and a much older crowd now walked from the bus stop shouting obscenities, throwing litter, taunting everyone in sight and glaring at me as I observed their lewd behaviors.
Development had filled the vast spaces and construction was moving in closer on small lots between houses on the already overcrowded streets. Fires burning across the neighborhood had become common place as construction crews cleared brush and my beloved eagles nests to make room for still more houses. For 2 weeks after school resumed the fires seemed more prevalent. One day there was an especially unusual stench from a fire that ran me and even the cats out of my make shift office into the house. A couple days later over coffee on Sunday morning we watched another drama unfold as a helicopter circled our house for an unusually long period of time. We had also long grown used to planes and helicopters flying both day and night over and around our home spraying for mosquitoes and God knows what else. But this one not only lingered longer, but was also accompanied by man standing on a dirt knoll recently made by a construction crew and he seemed to be visually surveying as far and wide as he possibly could and signaling to the helicopter. This was suspect, but calling the police they assured us it was some new routine that shouldn’t be considered out of the ordinary. Although within the hour police and news crews joined the action and a while later crime scene tape was strung behind our neighbors house and around the construction site that had a pathway to what had obviously become a local hangout where we would often see auto’s, bikes, motorcycles and foot traffic trek then hear evidence of parties going on. About a week later we learned a local teen gang had a party, ended in a violent fight where two young boys 16 & 17 years old were murdered, then their bodies brought to this party spot in their car and torched.
Road blocks were frequently routine and once were accompanied by a swat team when we later learned one of the new residents was holding people hostage and threatening to kill…good grief, I don’t even remember who, which brings me back to my point.
On this particular morning as I tried to focus I was not consciously in a especially reflective or pensive mood, yet each time I tried to resume my work this nagging, niggling ‘something’ in the back of my mind prevented any hope of accomplishments until it was acknowledged and dealt with. Suddenly, my heart skipped a beat and I became deeply saddened as I realized what was causing this ‘malfunction’. Over the 2 years since the ‘change’ had begun in my neighborhood I had gradually become immune, at least to the noise. On that very morning during my prep time an ambulance, fire truck and police squad cars had ripped by my house with sirens blaring, and I believe for the first time, my conscious (?) mind barely noticed them. About 2 hours later my subconscious mind was rendering a new kind of riot act, making me entirely conscious that in my life this was completely unacceptable behavior.
Although city dwellers likely will not relate as readily to this analogy, perhaps all of us can look at our lives and think of circumstances and events that we have, or are becoming, conditioned by and immune to. Think of the growing and seemingly out of control rampage of assaults on the people of America and how you’ve personally come to react to them.
Again I ask you, What is happening in our country? What is happening to the people of our country? To explore some very mind provocative thoughts about these questions read this article. Please don’t let the title put you off, it’s important to read the article in its entirety to understand the full context of the larger picture and how it relates.
And could there truly be some imperceptible influence directing American's thought processes, therefore our actions?
If you’re not familiar with this concept you may find it very interesting and enlightening when you consider all that is going on in our country today and most conspicuously over the last 10 years. If you’re already familiar with it, a refresher may bring new points to light.
Stay tuned and check our blog regularly over the next few weeks as we continue to explore further articles about actions and reactions in American society today.
Until then, stay strong, protect your rights and freedoms. Remember to think for yourself and pay close attention to what is affecting your thoughts and actions!
Sunday, April 1, 2007
April Fools!

Isn't practically everything due on the first of the month? Why is the fraudulent income tax due on the 15th? Could it be related to the thought processes of these notorious leaders who have duped us through the years? Call me crazy but didn't we just have a similar incident? 'Operation Iraqi, a, we better make that Operation Iraqi Freedom, O.I.L might be a little too transparent'...
How about the Sandy Berger caper? And Alberto Gonzales, who "serves at the pleasure of the president" is right in the middle of it. Ever wonder why or how the Clinton's and Bushes seem to be so cozy? George, GW, and Bill have all made public jokes about their dastardly deeds, isn't there some powerful clandestine organization who touts everything they do is flaunted in the open?
Wake up, people, there's no difference in Republicans and Democrats. Research each individuals background. Don't be taken in by 'campaign' or any other propaganda!
If we don't want to be perpetual fools, remember: "Trust, but verify".
Meanwhile, just before the April 15 deadline, here's more information and a very important article pertaining to "The Great Hoax". Try to take a minute to read "Fighting Words".
This article and links within will point you to articles, work and information of some American heroes who have been fighting for our rights and freedoms. You'll find the information worthy of the 15 minutes it takes to read it, invaluable to your life quality and any future generations you are responsible to or plan to have.
Despite the date, this isn't a joke...I don't know about you, but I'm tired of being an "April Fool", or a fool by any other name.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
"We the People" update-The Great Hoax
January 20, 2007
“We the People”
The Wait Is Almost Over
Within months, in all probability just before the Easter break, the hot topic of the day in every single law school in America will be the decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals in our case entitled, We The People v. The U.S. Government.
Given the enormous and far-reaching implications of this decision, either in favor of the People or against them, law school professors everywhere will be anxious to analyze and "mine" the decision, discussing it in their faculty and academic forums and bringing it the attention of the young minds that fill their classrooms. Many will likely rush to further explore the gravity of the ruling and publish articles in Law Review journals.
It will be an exciting time, indeed -- especially for the ordinary non-aligned citizen taxpayers of this great Country.
The excitement will permeate Give Me Liberty 2007, our three-day conference scheduled for March 29-31.
Think about it. For the first time in the entire history of our nation -- since the adoption of our Bill of Rights in 1791-- a Court is about to declare the legal meaning of one of the five individual Rights guaranteed by the First Amendment.
Not just any Right, but the mother of all Rights -- the Right that caps all the others, the so-called "Capstone Right." The First Amendment is, undoubtedly, the most important sentence in the entire Constitution.
It reads, "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the Right of the People peaceably to assemble, and to Petition the government for a Redress of Grievances."
Within the meaning of the last ten words of the First Amendment is the Right of each individual (and the minority) to hold government accountable to each and every provision of the Constitution, including all the other enumerated and un-enumerated Rights. This is why the Petition Clause is called the "Capstone Right."
What good would it do to design and adopt a Constitution based on popular sovereignty that guaranteed individual, un-alienable Rights, if the individual himself had not the power to prevent the Government from violating those Rights, non-violently?
“We the People”
The Wait Is Almost Over
Within months, in all probability just before the Easter break, the hot topic of the day in every single law school in America will be the decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals in our case entitled, We The People v. The U.S. Government.
Given the enormous and far-reaching implications of this decision, either in favor of the People or against them, law school professors everywhere will be anxious to analyze and "mine" the decision, discussing it in their faculty and academic forums and bringing it the attention of the young minds that fill their classrooms. Many will likely rush to further explore the gravity of the ruling and publish articles in Law Review journals.
It will be an exciting time, indeed -- especially for the ordinary non-aligned citizen taxpayers of this great Country.
The excitement will permeate Give Me Liberty 2007, our three-day conference scheduled for March 29-31.
Think about it. For the first time in the entire history of our nation -- since the adoption of our Bill of Rights in 1791-- a Court is about to declare the legal meaning of one of the five individual Rights guaranteed by the First Amendment.
Not just any Right, but the mother of all Rights -- the Right that caps all the others, the so-called "Capstone Right." The First Amendment is, undoubtedly, the most important sentence in the entire Constitution.
It reads, "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the Right of the People peaceably to assemble, and to Petition the government for a Redress of Grievances."
Within the meaning of the last ten words of the First Amendment is the Right of each individual (and the minority) to hold government accountable to each and every provision of the Constitution, including all the other enumerated and un-enumerated Rights. This is why the Petition Clause is called the "Capstone Right."
What good would it do to design and adopt a Constitution based on popular sovereignty that guaranteed individual, un-alienable Rights, if the individual himself had not the power to prevent the Government from violating those Rights, non-violently?
Sunday, January 21, 2007
April 15, The Great Hoax
Ok folks, I’m going to give you a little example of why we named this work “On the edge”…
You may have already heard about the couple from NH, the “Live free or die” state, who are taking on the IRS. If not, you can read about it here.
I’ve been researching this issue for some time…the IRS cannot show citizens a written law on the books requiring us to pay federal income tax.
I don’t have the information organized well enough to put it all on our site yet, plus daily, we seem to be fighting so many challenges to our freedoms… (One reason I’ve been calling for researchers & other help!).
But this appears to be one of the biggest frauds ever perpetrated upon the American people. Some IRS agents have either quit or been fired after approaching their superiors when citizens have challenged them to show them the law…
The IRS is a big one to take on…and info I’ve found says this inability to produce a law is largely why they have finely tuned their “threatening and bullying” tactics…they don’t have a legal leg to stand on.
Many people don’t believe this, many are afraid to challenge it, and it takes a lawyer who doesn’t laugh in your face, is willing to take them on & handle it correctly…but for the few brave and knowledgeable who have taken it to court, cases have been won.
There is no legal tax on labor, when you pay for work on your car or any other type of labor, you pay tax only on parts, it’s illegal to tax or collect tax for labor. Your income is derived from your labor…it’s the same law, yet our federal government has been requiring & collecting payment for it for years.
The bill to tax income, (labor), was proposed years ago when they started collecting it…but it was never ratified and made law…
Don’t believe me? Do your own research on it, but please send me anything & everything you find!! Actually, I’ve just set up a webpage & message board for this issue. You can post links to information you find, talk about the issue, etc. We’re easy to post to! We’ve set the site up to be user friendly and interactive!! We'll gradually organize and add the massive amount of information we have.
“We the People” foundations has been petitioning the government for months on this issue, and are being ignored. The implications of this are pretty astounding…there’s much to consider…there is a movement among the people. I read about this couple a while back and I believe they are trying to push the movement forward. Considering the state of our economy and our national debt we’re already in trouble….if the majority of “the people” realize this fraud and revolt…well, it’s a tough issue to fathom from many perspectives. This is another reason I haven’t made this an earnest campaign. But since it’s coming into the foreground, we may all need to look at it closely. There are murmurings we perhaps could witness another “Janet Reno type assault” against this couple. Hopefully not, but if they are indeed within their rights…
I personally will not advocate any “Fair Tax” legislation, and I hope if any of you consider endorsing it as a more “fair” alternative that you seriously research this federal income tax issue first. If a fair tax law replaces our current “unlawful” federal “income” tax, they will definitely have us. What about that tiny little credit we’re getting this year after being fraudulently taxed (for how many years?) through the phone companies?
If you’ve seen the movie V, (and if you haven’t its awesome, watch it!!) “We the people” foundation members are using the costumes from V in protest. They sent one person in costume to present the petitions last year, petitions were rejected and denied. They are organizing a protest in March 2007 and hope to have thousands dressed in “V”! (Yes, I hoped to be one of them, but it isn’t looking very likely now… ) A short synopsis on “V”; it’s about when the people fear individual persecution from their government, everyone puts on the same face and clothes for anonaminity, protection, as not to be singled out.
You may have already heard about the couple from NH, the “Live free or die” state, who are taking on the IRS. If not, you can read about it here.
I’ve been researching this issue for some time…the IRS cannot show citizens a written law on the books requiring us to pay federal income tax.
I don’t have the information organized well enough to put it all on our site yet, plus daily, we seem to be fighting so many challenges to our freedoms… (One reason I’ve been calling for researchers & other help!).
But this appears to be one of the biggest frauds ever perpetrated upon the American people. Some IRS agents have either quit or been fired after approaching their superiors when citizens have challenged them to show them the law…
The IRS is a big one to take on…and info I’ve found says this inability to produce a law is largely why they have finely tuned their “threatening and bullying” tactics…they don’t have a legal leg to stand on.
Many people don’t believe this, many are afraid to challenge it, and it takes a lawyer who doesn’t laugh in your face, is willing to take them on & handle it correctly…but for the few brave and knowledgeable who have taken it to court, cases have been won.
There is no legal tax on labor, when you pay for work on your car or any other type of labor, you pay tax only on parts, it’s illegal to tax or collect tax for labor. Your income is derived from your labor…it’s the same law, yet our federal government has been requiring & collecting payment for it for years.
The bill to tax income, (labor), was proposed years ago when they started collecting it…but it was never ratified and made law…
Don’t believe me? Do your own research on it, but please send me anything & everything you find!! Actually, I’ve just set up a webpage & message board for this issue. You can post links to information you find, talk about the issue, etc. We’re easy to post to! We’ve set the site up to be user friendly and interactive!! We'll gradually organize and add the massive amount of information we have.
“We the People” foundations has been petitioning the government for months on this issue, and are being ignored. The implications of this are pretty astounding…there’s much to consider…there is a movement among the people. I read about this couple a while back and I believe they are trying to push the movement forward. Considering the state of our economy and our national debt we’re already in trouble….if the majority of “the people” realize this fraud and revolt…well, it’s a tough issue to fathom from many perspectives. This is another reason I haven’t made this an earnest campaign. But since it’s coming into the foreground, we may all need to look at it closely. There are murmurings we perhaps could witness another “Janet Reno type assault” against this couple. Hopefully not, but if they are indeed within their rights…
I personally will not advocate any “Fair Tax” legislation, and I hope if any of you consider endorsing it as a more “fair” alternative that you seriously research this federal income tax issue first. If a fair tax law replaces our current “unlawful” federal “income” tax, they will definitely have us. What about that tiny little credit we’re getting this year after being fraudulently taxed (for how many years?) through the phone companies?
If you’ve seen the movie V, (and if you haven’t its awesome, watch it!!) “We the people” foundation members are using the costumes from V in protest. They sent one person in costume to present the petitions last year, petitions were rejected and denied. They are organizing a protest in March 2007 and hope to have thousands dressed in “V”! (Yes, I hoped to be one of them, but it isn’t looking very likely now… ) A short synopsis on “V”; it’s about when the people fear individual persecution from their government, everyone puts on the same face and clothes for anonaminity, protection, as not to be singled out.
Here are two pieces of supporting evidence about the 16th amendment.
We want to hear what you think about this issue! Post your perspective or informational links here.
You shouldn’t have any difficulty posting, but if you do, email your thoughts or info direct and report any difficulties to
A Letter to Fellow Republicans
A Letter to Fellow Republicans:
The RNC obviously has total disregard for their base. They have acted exactly the same as our Republican elected representatives. They ignored our emails! They ignored our letters! They ignored our faxes! They ignored our telephone calls!
The 2006 election demonstrated our disgust but obviously did not convince our party their lack of voter representation is no longer acceptable.
By electing Mel Martinez to chair the RNC, they are betting more Hispanics will join their ranks and the American people, will continue to forgive, forget and remain loyal despite the fact they refuse to represent our voice.
This fight between republican and democratic leaders for favor from 12-20 million people who have literally illegally invaded our country, is costing American citizens everything we value and hold dear. Beyond the many economic, health, and security issues we should all be fully aware of by now, it’s jeopardizing our voice and representation in our government at every level.
I’ve been a loyal, active, conservative republican for many years. During this administration my party has continually betrayed my trust, ignored my voice and the voice of the majority, the very people who support and elect them.
How can we continue to remain loyal to a party who perpetually betrays us? We elect and pay their salary for representation of the republican ideal. When they no longer demonstrate that ideal what are we remaining loyal to? They’ve taken a new route and obviously don’t care if we like it or not. They want us along for the ride but couldn’t care less if we like the destination!
We are no longer aligned with “representatives”. This independent, arrogant assembly of so called “republican” officials blatantly ignores and overrides their constituents. Their promises are hollow, idle words to win votes. Once that’s accomplished they no longer know or care we exist until the next election. Condoning these actions by forgiving, forgetting and remaining loyal to such traitors will take us down a dangerous path of no return. The power of our voice in this Republican Party is already extinguished. They do not deserve our loyalty.
The only way “We the people” of the Republican party will send them a loud and clear message they cannot ignore is with an immediate and massive withdrawal from the party base.
If hundreds of thousands of registered Republicans deserted these traitors of our 'grand old party', there would be repercussions heard all the way to the White House.
We can register as Independent, Constitutional, American or some other party. Good grief, it appears even the democrats have better hearing than these republicans. But after we change our registration we then need to let them know; our own officials, and all those new Presidential hopefuls, that republican constituents will no longer blindly follow, forgive & forget, or remain loyal to a party who no longer represents our ideals and no longer regards our voice.
This voter registration effort will not work if only a handful of us participate. There must be a massive retreat from the Republican Party to be effective. We must also follow up with letters, email, fax and phone calls stating unequivocally why we have taken this action. Our intelligent “leaders” surmised many inaccurate explanations after last November’s election. We need to make sure they understand, without a shadow of doubt that we will not continue to support, elect or reelect traitors who ignore and do not represent us.
I hope you will consider supporting this action. It may save our “grand old party”. It will certainly preserve our voice and return power to the people of the Republican Party.
The RNC obviously has total disregard for their base. They have acted exactly the same as our Republican elected representatives. They ignored our emails! They ignored our letters! They ignored our faxes! They ignored our telephone calls!
The 2006 election demonstrated our disgust but obviously did not convince our party their lack of voter representation is no longer acceptable.
By electing Mel Martinez to chair the RNC, they are betting more Hispanics will join their ranks and the American people, will continue to forgive, forget and remain loyal despite the fact they refuse to represent our voice.
This fight between republican and democratic leaders for favor from 12-20 million people who have literally illegally invaded our country, is costing American citizens everything we value and hold dear. Beyond the many economic, health, and security issues we should all be fully aware of by now, it’s jeopardizing our voice and representation in our government at every level.
I’ve been a loyal, active, conservative republican for many years. During this administration my party has continually betrayed my trust, ignored my voice and the voice of the majority, the very people who support and elect them.
How can we continue to remain loyal to a party who perpetually betrays us? We elect and pay their salary for representation of the republican ideal. When they no longer demonstrate that ideal what are we remaining loyal to? They’ve taken a new route and obviously don’t care if we like it or not. They want us along for the ride but couldn’t care less if we like the destination!
We are no longer aligned with “representatives”. This independent, arrogant assembly of so called “republican” officials blatantly ignores and overrides their constituents. Their promises are hollow, idle words to win votes. Once that’s accomplished they no longer know or care we exist until the next election. Condoning these actions by forgiving, forgetting and remaining loyal to such traitors will take us down a dangerous path of no return. The power of our voice in this Republican Party is already extinguished. They do not deserve our loyalty.
The only way “We the people” of the Republican party will send them a loud and clear message they cannot ignore is with an immediate and massive withdrawal from the party base.
If hundreds of thousands of registered Republicans deserted these traitors of our 'grand old party', there would be repercussions heard all the way to the White House.
We can register as Independent, Constitutional, American or some other party. Good grief, it appears even the democrats have better hearing than these republicans. But after we change our registration we then need to let them know; our own officials, and all those new Presidential hopefuls, that republican constituents will no longer blindly follow, forgive & forget, or remain loyal to a party who no longer represents our ideals and no longer regards our voice.
This voter registration effort will not work if only a handful of us participate. There must be a massive retreat from the Republican Party to be effective. We must also follow up with letters, email, fax and phone calls stating unequivocally why we have taken this action. Our intelligent “leaders” surmised many inaccurate explanations after last November’s election. We need to make sure they understand, without a shadow of doubt that we will not continue to support, elect or reelect traitors who ignore and do not represent us.
I hope you will consider supporting this action. It may save our “grand old party”. It will certainly preserve our voice and return power to the people of the Republican Party.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
You can't handle the truth, America!
Remember Jack Nicholson shouting to Tom Cruise that he, nor Americans could handle the truth in "A Few Good Men"?
"On the level of moral philosophy, the drama examines questions of duty, honor, patriotism, justice, and the rule of law." (Wikipedia)
We say, "I have a right to know!" But what happens when we're presented with information that doesn't suit our ideals? Do we truly question it's plausibility if it offends our senses? How often do we simply reject things we hear as false without bothering to check if they're true?
What happened to curiosity? Even when something sounds fantastic, don't you at least wonder if its possible?
If I say there's a conspiracy of silence in our government body and mainstream media that wants to keep "the people" ignorant & silent, some believe it, some are reluctantly beginning to believe it's possible, but many still reject it as a radical rant.
Do you remember during the first Iraq war when the news televised pictures of Kurds Saddam Hussein had killed with chemical warfare? Do you ever wonder why, when we have been fighting wars since October 7, 2001 we haven't "seen" much of the evidence from mainstream media? I guess they concur, it isn't pleasant to our sensibilities therefore they must 'protect' us and keep it out of our sight, therefore our minds? Last night the death count for our brave soldiers was 3025. I believe the count for those wounded was over 25,000. How much of the death and destruction has been shown by mainstream media? Do we have a right to know what's going on over there? Could we stand to see it in our face day after day? Would we have allowed the atrocity of this "war without end" to continue if we saw the evidence every day?
Ignorance is easily achieved if we allow our high ideals and sensibilities to close our minds and turn deaf ears to possibilities.
"News with Attitude" brings you information we have located through our extensive & exhaustive research. Our endeavor is to "hold & keep government accountable and return our government to, for and by the people".
Truths about crime, corruption and dishonor isn't usually pleasant to our sensibilities.
How long did it take the American people to accept that Richard Nixon had committed crimes?
So which is it? Do you really want to know the truth or are you happy with cleverly designed euphemisms that stifle our curiosities and ability to think for ourselves? We document our sources and distinguish between news, opinion, and statistics. "On the edge" is a spin off for my critical opinion pieces. For nearly a year we've brought you large volumes of information, if we discover information is inaccurate we issue an immediate retraction.
Open your mind. Dare to probe.
The "truth" doesn't always come in pretty packages. But "truth", not righteous ideals, will set you free.
In the words of Ronald Regan, "Trust, but verify."
Righteous indignation over Bill Clinton's sexual indiscretions propelled George W. Bush into the White House in 2000.
What do you want? Truth or righteous ideals?
"On the level of moral philosophy, the drama examines questions of duty, honor, patriotism, justice, and the rule of law." (Wikipedia)
We say, "I have a right to know!" But what happens when we're presented with information that doesn't suit our ideals? Do we truly question it's plausibility if it offends our senses? How often do we simply reject things we hear as false without bothering to check if they're true?
What happened to curiosity? Even when something sounds fantastic, don't you at least wonder if its possible?
If I say there's a conspiracy of silence in our government body and mainstream media that wants to keep "the people" ignorant & silent, some believe it, some are reluctantly beginning to believe it's possible, but many still reject it as a radical rant.
Do you remember during the first Iraq war when the news televised pictures of Kurds Saddam Hussein had killed with chemical warfare? Do you ever wonder why, when we have been fighting wars since October 7, 2001 we haven't "seen" much of the evidence from mainstream media? I guess they concur, it isn't pleasant to our sensibilities therefore they must 'protect' us and keep it out of our sight, therefore our minds? Last night the death count for our brave soldiers was 3025. I believe the count for those wounded was over 25,000. How much of the death and destruction has been shown by mainstream media? Do we have a right to know what's going on over there? Could we stand to see it in our face day after day? Would we have allowed the atrocity of this "war without end" to continue if we saw the evidence every day?
Ignorance is easily achieved if we allow our high ideals and sensibilities to close our minds and turn deaf ears to possibilities.
"News with Attitude" brings you information we have located through our extensive & exhaustive research. Our endeavor is to "hold & keep government accountable and return our government to, for and by the people".
Truths about crime, corruption and dishonor isn't usually pleasant to our sensibilities.
How long did it take the American people to accept that Richard Nixon had committed crimes?
So which is it? Do you really want to know the truth or are you happy with cleverly designed euphemisms that stifle our curiosities and ability to think for ourselves? We document our sources and distinguish between news, opinion, and statistics. "On the edge" is a spin off for my critical opinion pieces. For nearly a year we've brought you large volumes of information, if we discover information is inaccurate we issue an immediate retraction.
Open your mind. Dare to probe.
The "truth" doesn't always come in pretty packages. But "truth", not righteous ideals, will set you free.
In the words of Ronald Regan, "Trust, but verify."
Righteous indignation over Bill Clinton's sexual indiscretions propelled George W. Bush into the White House in 2000.
What do you want? Truth or righteous ideals?
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Lazy, Stupid Americans
Cecilia Poole
January 4, 2007
You would think in today's age of 'information access' through the internet & thankfully the few who still dare or care to report, that Americans would open their minds to see what is going on, put things into perspective, then exercise their 'rights' before they disappear!
Doesn't anyone get ill constantly hearing; "I don't want to waste my vote", "The North American Union is a radical conspiracy theory that can't happen", "They're doing jobs American's won't do"...
Who deviously convinced "the people" of these lies and turned us into such insipid dimwits we continue going "silently into the night" regurgitating these mindless mantras as accepted truths?
Who convinced you that you would "waste" your vote by casting it for a worthy opponent rather than the "lesser of two evils"? What are you 'conserving' by voting for someone you don't want in office? The evil? Who convinced you that you only have two choices? And who convinced you to become indignant, rather than curious if you hear something perhaps illicit?
How can you NOT know you have alternatives? How can Americans continually swallow the same spoon fed lies over and over again, without question?
If everyone who felt the "two" choices were either evil or evil would instead cast their perfectly good vote for a worthy contender we would get rid of the evil! And how can we possibly continue to disregard evidence that is so blatantly flaunted in our faces? It's irrational!
Is it true that we really don't have alternatives? Is there truly no way we can stop this tyranny, before it's too late? Or, are these thoughts & questions merely hysterical drama because they weren't fashioned by some cleverly designed opinion poll or other equally restrictive source?
Last spring America woke up to see MILLIONS of illegal aliens marching in our streets demanding full citizenship rights. These people didn't just arrive for the demonstrations, they simply came out of the shadows! They've been steadily marching in, essentially unchallenged; no, more comparably, received with a good, hearty "politically correct" American welcome for over 20 years!
If Americans had challenged and protested the audacity of anyone who would require us to "Press 1 for English" while living within our own country the first time we heard it we wouldn't have 12-20 Million illegal invaders today!
The 2006 election was a demonstration of protest & demand, but how thoroughly did we consider our actions? We were all very angry with the current administration and we heard a lot about the `do nothing congress'. But what did we really accomplish? Didn't we vote out quite a few of the `good guys' simply because they were on the 'right'? and didn't we leave in quite a few of the `bad guys' simply because they were on the left? Were those really our only choices or did we (again) just blindly 'obey' what we thought we heard? How many times over the last several years have we flipped from side to side after disappointment & dishonor? Then we reminisce, "at least we didn't have..."
2008 is really not so far away. If, the American people don't soon realize it's not only our 'right' to exercise our Constitutional freedoms, but it's our duty as responsible citizens to protect and defend them, we will surely find ourselves looking around (again) wondering how the powers that be, you know that 'lesser evil' you keep voting in, reduced & usurped YOUR rights to mere privilege.
The damage over the last 6 years has been great, but this erosion has been going on for years! This 'regime' has simply been more blatant...doesn't that alone chill anyone's blood? Does that mean `they' believe we're already so completely under the `ether' it doesn't matter anymore?
Lazy, stupid Americans.
I used to take exception every time I saw a book for "Dummies", "Idiots", etc, or heard "stupid" or "lazy" Americans"…but if we don't, right now, realize "we" are allowing these atrocities to happen…well, "HUMAN CAPITAL", no wonder those books sell so well…
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
January 4, 2007
You would think in today's age of 'information access' through the internet & thankfully the few who still dare or care to report, that Americans would open their minds to see what is going on, put things into perspective, then exercise their 'rights' before they disappear!
Doesn't anyone get ill constantly hearing; "I don't want to waste my vote", "The North American Union is a radical conspiracy theory that can't happen", "They're doing jobs American's won't do"...
Who deviously convinced "the people" of these lies and turned us into such insipid dimwits we continue going "silently into the night" regurgitating these mindless mantras as accepted truths?
Who convinced you that you would "waste" your vote by casting it for a worthy opponent rather than the "lesser of two evils"? What are you 'conserving' by voting for someone you don't want in office? The evil? Who convinced you that you only have two choices? And who convinced you to become indignant, rather than curious if you hear something perhaps illicit?
How can you NOT know you have alternatives? How can Americans continually swallow the same spoon fed lies over and over again, without question?
If everyone who felt the "two" choices were either evil or evil would instead cast their perfectly good vote for a worthy contender we would get rid of the evil! And how can we possibly continue to disregard evidence that is so blatantly flaunted in our faces? It's irrational!
Is it true that we really don't have alternatives? Is there truly no way we can stop this tyranny, before it's too late? Or, are these thoughts & questions merely hysterical drama because they weren't fashioned by some cleverly designed opinion poll or other equally restrictive source?
Last spring America woke up to see MILLIONS of illegal aliens marching in our streets demanding full citizenship rights. These people didn't just arrive for the demonstrations, they simply came out of the shadows! They've been steadily marching in, essentially unchallenged; no, more comparably, received with a good, hearty "politically correct" American welcome for over 20 years!
If Americans had challenged and protested the audacity of anyone who would require us to "Press 1 for English" while living within our own country the first time we heard it we wouldn't have 12-20 Million illegal invaders today!
The 2006 election was a demonstration of protest & demand, but how thoroughly did we consider our actions? We were all very angry with the current administration and we heard a lot about the `do nothing congress'. But what did we really accomplish? Didn't we vote out quite a few of the `good guys' simply because they were on the 'right'? and didn't we leave in quite a few of the `bad guys' simply because they were on the left? Were those really our only choices or did we (again) just blindly 'obey' what we thought we heard? How many times over the last several years have we flipped from side to side after disappointment & dishonor? Then we reminisce, "at least we didn't have..."
2008 is really not so far away. If, the American people don't soon realize it's not only our 'right' to exercise our Constitutional freedoms, but it's our duty as responsible citizens to protect and defend them, we will surely find ourselves looking around (again) wondering how the powers that be, you know that 'lesser evil' you keep voting in, reduced & usurped YOUR rights to mere privilege.
The damage over the last 6 years has been great, but this erosion has been going on for years! This 'regime' has simply been more blatant...doesn't that alone chill anyone's blood? Does that mean `they' believe we're already so completely under the `ether' it doesn't matter anymore?
Lazy, stupid Americans.
I used to take exception every time I saw a book for "Dummies", "Idiots", etc, or heard "stupid" or "lazy" Americans"…but if we don't, right now, realize "we" are allowing these atrocities to happen…well, "HUMAN CAPITAL", no wonder those books sell so well…
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
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"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." -- Samuel Adams
"None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free." ~VonGoeth
American"s must chose: Truth, Fear, or Righteous Indignation?

" is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the numbers of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth, to know the worst, and to provide for it." ~Patrick Henry, March 23, 1775